Even so devoted a bootlicker as Senator Lindsey Graham declared the debate a “disaster” for the ex-president.

Donald Trump is so feral and narcissistic, so unrestrained and so outside the norm of American politics, that he’s difficult to debate. It’s disorienting. Very few people have been able to stand up to him without being pulled into the muck. In the past, even when he lost debates on points, he dominated his opponents.

But on a Tuesday night in Philadelphia, Kamala Harris cracked the code.

  • Verdant Banana
    -984 months ago


    did she come out strong on worker’s rights, healthcare, the environment, upping the minimum wage, police reform, or anything that would directly help the citizens?

    debate watched was Harris and Trump babbling for over an hour with no concrete plan for anything out of either of them

    • @almar_quigley
      414 months ago

      Keep yelling at clouds banana. One day someone’s gonna stop ignoring you, I promise. Just don’t hold your breathe please, we all care for your health.

      • @MegaUltraChicken
        254 months ago

        It has to be exhausting to constantly have such a shitty take.

        • Verdant Banana
          -454 months ago

          exhausting to keep watching your fellow citizens eat shit from the two parties keeping the US down and loving it so much so that third parties are not considered

          what did Harris say that was enough to get a vote besides the fact she is not Trump

          • @MegaUltraChicken
            224 months ago

            Convincing people not to vote for Democrats doesn’t result in 3rd parties being considered. It results in the GOP winning which makes it even more impossible for 3rd parties to gain ground.

            Democrats aren’t keeping 3rd parties down, first past the post is. One of the 2 parties has to gain enough control to eliminate FPTP voting. Guess which party is completely against that idea and guess which one has a modicum of support?

            (this is rhetorical, I have no interest in having any further conversation with you. It’s a waste of my time)

          • @[email protected]
            144 months ago

            I feel like most points against you have been pretty adequately addressed by other posters except one. Why ignore punctuation and capitalization, but still take the time to double return your sentences? If you’re breaking grammar rules to be edgy, why make your comment readable at all? Just throw it all together in one long ass sentence. It would save you precious milliseconds that could be better used attempting to elaborate on your completely asinine takes :)

          • @mineralfellow
            104 months ago

            That is so true, my fellow human who is definitely a citizen of the United States!

            • Verdant Banana
              -124 months ago

              more of a dissident of the United States btw

              not able to vote or do a lot of things that people who will blindly vote for Democrats or Republicans and play ball take for granted

              the more the US falls apart under Democrat and Republican leaders the more people seem to latch on to them, but it is the wrong lifeboat and the last hundred years should have been a red flag that something more is needed to keep this sinking country afloat

              • @[email protected]
                34 months ago

                On a sinking boat, alone, in the middle of the ocean:

                “We should really get a different boat.”

                Thank you. I can’t believe no one’s thought of this.

          • modifier
            84 months ago

            You only think we’re sheeple because you have such a massive forest/trees problem.

            You can keep inflicting your lack of perspective on us condescendingly, but just know that’s all you’re doing.

    • @NocturnalMorning
      364 months ago

      I only watched the first 10 minutes or so of the debate, and even I know Kamala Harris had plans for things she talked about. This is just a bad faith comment.

      • Verdant Banana
        -474 months ago

        she did yes but none of it involved anything that is really needed

        universal healthcare, police reform, environmental protections, minimum wage

        only thing the Democrats stood strongly on was women rights which they have ignored for over half a century

        so long so rights have now started to be lost and only now are they voicing an opinion on top for asking for donations

        • @VubDapple
          164 months ago

          The perfect is the enemy of the good…

        • @FrostyTheDoo
          64 months ago

          Very interesting that you think people don’t need help with childcare or affording housing. That’s a really nice and privileged bubble that you live in, I hope for your sake it never pops.

          Harris answered the questions she was asked, and she was dealing with a non-participant flinging poo as her opponent. She couldn’t possibly bring up every subject you wanted her to in the time she was given, especially since a lot of that time ended up going to Trump while he screeched over her and the moderators.

          • Verdant Banana
            4 months ago

            people need help with childcare and affordable housing because of bipartisan politics

            takes a higher minimum wage and better education to help with both of these plus workers’ rights and universal healthcare and police reform and environmental reforms

            what good is help with childcare bills when the parent and/or parents is/are not paid enough to purchase food or other necessities and while they are on their way to get their child from that child care facility that they get assistance with they get pulled over and hassled by police and when they finally come home the electricity is off because they are not given living wages for the work they put in and then the kids grow not understanding as adults how to fix the situation in their country because they lack the tools better education would have provided thus the circle continues and the Republican and Democrats get their low paid factory worker that lacks the knowledge to improve their lives and will keep propping up the two party sham

            takes more than just helping with childcare which is only needed because Democrats and Republicans both do not support living wages because their financial backers do not support it

            was all show that seemed rigged and was void of substance that the US citizens desperately needed decades ago

    • @taiyang
      74 months ago

      Debates are terrible places for substance; you’ve got 2 minutes to talk and you still need to address your opponent and they can derail or misconstrue what you just said without a proper rebuttal. The point is to argue your side of things, which I think she did fine and was very strategic in avoiding things that would have put her at a disadvantage.

      It’s like a Lemmy comment. You can have a good idea, write a paragraph or two, and you’ll still have people call you out because you can’t fully explain a topic in this format.