Really you don’t need to read more than one chart:

If you vote for anyone other than Harris, you’re voting for Trump:

  • @Oxymoron
    65 months ago

    I thought Kennedy dropped out to support Trump? Maybe I’m wrong I’m not American, but thought I heard that.

    But yeah I agree. It’s just splitting the vote, the same thing happens in the UK. For a long time until this most recent election we only had the Conservatives on the right, whereas on the left you had Labour, Lib Dem’s and Greens, yet the Conservatives kept getting back in because the left wing vote was split, they wouldn’t work together to step down in certain seats to let the party most likely to be beat the Conservatives stand.

    Thank god, in a weird way, for Reform UK, massively splitting the right wing vote this time around. Allowing Labour to win. If Labour don’t change the voting system to proportional representation now that they’ve finally got the chance after a 15 year wait, then they are truly mugs. They won’t though I’m sure. They are hopefully supposed to be letting 16 year olds vote which should help.

    But yeah, that Hitler story gave me the shivers lol. Apparently we aren’t allowed to call Trump a fascist because it pisses off Republican voters and caused that assassination attempt (even though I swear the guy was a republican voter??)

    But like; he is literally a fascist. For me personally, if someone said, “we can stop Trump from ever being elected, but the price is you have to cancel the election and just say that George Bush won and let him have another term”. I’d take that deal. I genuinely think Trump is so dangerous, it shouldn’t be a republican vs democrats thing, it should be an Americans for Democracy thing.

    • @jordanlundOPM
      55 months ago

      Article is from before Kennedy dropped out, but he’s still on the ballot in key states so it still applies.

      • @Oxymoron
        75 months ago

        Oh really? I don’t really get how your system works I guess lol. Cos I thought if he drops out he’s out. So he’s still running against Trump in some states basically? I would have thought he’d be taking votes from the right rather than the left though. But I probably just don’t understand your system properly tbf.

        • @jordanlundOPM
          35 months ago

          He tried to remove himself from the ballot in multiple states and was told “LOL - yeah, no.”

          There are deadlines due to having to print the ballots, once you’re past a certain point, there’s no going back.

          He’s currently on the ballot in nearly half the country:













          New Mexico







          West Virginia


          • @Oxymoron
            45 months ago

            Ahh ok haha well that’s good at least. I can’t see any left leaning would-be democrat voters voting for the guy who dumped the carcass of a bear in… I wanna say… Central Park?

            I love that they’re like “paper doesn’t grow on trees dude, we ain’t wasting anymore”.

            I don’t really understand why these independents bother. Do they really think they’re gonna turn 3% (being generous) into 51%?? I don’t think so. I wonder if there’s some ulterior motive in play, like to just get their name out there and then with that name recognition, get elected into a much lower down position at state level.

            • @jordanlundOPM
              35 months ago

              Jill Stein in particular who at her BEST got 1.07%.

              Generally she’s 0.1% to 0.3%.

              • @Oxymoron
                25 months ago

                Hahah literally what is the point!? Well like I say. Probably is about name recognition otherwise why bother.

                Either that or Jill is retired and bored/senile… isn’t Jill the same name as Biden’s wife actually? Hahah. Maybe it’s Biden in a wig. Who can say?