Really you don’t need to read more than one chart:

If you vote for anyone other than Harris, you’re voting for Trump:

  • @jordanlundOPM
    6 days ago

    National Election Reform would be great, but that would require we actually have national elections, which we don’t. :)

    It’s not even a matter of 50 state elections… each election precinct is essentially it’s own little fiefdom at this point, with officials who BELIEVE they’re free to say “I aint gonna certify!” even if the State Secretary of State will put the screws to them if they do.

    • @Breezy
      36 days ago

      Holy shit you’re so right on all the districts being treated like a fiefdom. I like to think i keep up with politics but this idea has never crossed my mind. Im going to be looking at my local elections closer now.