• @Dasus
    6 months ago

    (First off, a gentle reminder that you chose to answer, when you could’ve simply ignored my comment on this post. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

    You can’t answer, because you support Russia.

    Remember when you said there’s “zero chance of Russian propaganda” on Lemmy?


    The propaganda of the Russian Federation promotes views, perceptions or agendas of the government. The media include state-run outlets and online technologies,[1][2] and may involve using “Soviet-style ‘active measures’ as an element of modern Russian ‘political warfare’”.[3] Notably, contemporary Russian propaganda promotes the cult of personality of Vladimir Putin and positive views of Soviet history.[4] Russia has established a number of organizations, such as the Presidential Commission of the Russian Federation to Counter Attempts to Falsify History to the Detriment of Russia’s Interests, the Russian web brigades, and others that engage in political propaganda to promote the views of the Russian government.

    Remember — like we’ve discussed previously — that to perpetuate a state’s propaganda, you don’t actually have to be on their payroll, or even cognisant of perpetuating it. However, you very much seem to be. Because you’re making the conscious choice to do everything in your power to avoid the question “are you pro-Russian?”

    You simply can not answer a simple yes or no question. Just like Trump, when asked about Ukraine.

    This tells everyone all they need to know about you. That you don’t think Russia broke international law by invading Ukraine. You can’t even deny it, because you delude yourself like Trump, that as long as you don’t straight up say “no”, people can’t infer your answer from the context.

    You’re on the Russian side of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict. You do not think Russia broke international law by invading Ukraine. If you did, you’d be able to say so.

    Remember when you kept threatening me that you’re gonna ban me off of a whole instance because I downvoted a comment of yours?

    • davel [he/him]
      -16 months ago

      That’s not it works. Vegetarians aren’t following in Hitler’s footsteps. If two people were to have similar stances on something, they didn’t necessarily come to it in the same way, or one from the other. In fact, they don’t even necessarily hold similar stances for similar reasons.

      That you don’t think Russia broke international law by invading Ukraine.

      I said no such thing.

      Remember when you kept threatening me that you’re gonna ban me off of a whole instance because I downvoted a comment of yours?

      That’s not what happened, either.

      • @Dasus
        6 months ago

        How “it” works? What? You mean… comparisons? Yes, they do.

        I’ve compared your rhetoric to that of Trump. Nothing in that makes the assertion you believe in any of the same things he does. You’re avoiding a question like him, and like him, you’re deluding yourself that people can’t infer what your stance is from your avoidance. Which is… silly, to say the least.

        Here are the only things you post and say “no, that’s not been said”, “you shouldn’t believe this publication”, “that’s not how it works”, “no that’s not what I said”, “no that’s not exactly how I would put it”, etc etc. Yet you absolutely refuse to elaborate on how you would “put” something when ASKED DIRECTLY.

        Refusing to answer one question once, because you object to it’s framing, would be understandable, and you could elaborate on why easily within a comment. Systematically avoiding saying whether you’re pro-Russian, whether Russia broke international law by invading Ukraine, whether Russia has indeed ever done anything that has broken international laws (which we could sit here weeks listing, with confirmed sources) is a very clear indicator to your beliefs.

        Like I’ve said several times, I’ve asked you for your beliefs. I’ve not stated that I know them. I’ve stated that I know what it means when I’m alone with someone in a lift, there’s a loud “PRRRRRTTT” sound, their white pants go brown and a nasty smelling muck starts coming from their pant leg, even when they loudly say “I didn’t just shit myself”, because I know what shitting one’s self looks like and just saying the words “b-b-but no no that’s not what happened” doesn’t change what ACTUALLY HAPPENED.

        You’re pretending that you’re not pro-Russian, because you know people are disgusted by people who support Putler’s insane regime. How does it feel being the world’s most massive losers as a nation? If I’m wrong and you’re actually against Putin and the international warcrimes he and Russia are responsible for, you’re very welcome to say so and I’ll apologize for my assumptions.

        • davel [he/him]
          16 months ago

          I’m starting to think you’re hoping that, by being rude & annoying enough, someone will ban you, so you can then blame Russian trolls! Russian trolls! Russian trolls! Or maybe you’re just like this.

          $ curl -s 'https://lemmy.ml/api/v3/modlog?limit=50&other_person_id=8274625' \
          > | jq 'pick(.removed_comments, .banned_from_community, .banned, .removed_posts) | keys[] as $k | .[$k] | length' \
          > | paste -s -d+ - | bc
          • @Dasus
            -16 months ago

            Removed by mod

            • @Dasus
              06 months ago

              This was a comment saying that this moderator, is panicking and abusing his mod connections and mass reporting me for “breaking the rules.” What was so uncivil about talking about someone desperately refusing to answer a question? That’s literally the topic of the post.

              Just like we know that Trump avoids answering if he wants Ukraine to win, because he’s Putler’s little lapdog, much for the same reasons @davel@[email protected] is avoiding answering the very same yes or no question.

              It’s not uncivil to disagree or to question someone, but it is uncivil to get so mad at someone asking you a simple yes or no question, on an online forum, that you start having a tantrum and abuse your authority (while also being petulantly avoidant of a very simple question.)

            • @Dasus
              -16 months ago

              Removed by mod

              • @Dasus
                06 months ago

                This was a comment only saying that this person who I’m talking to will abuse his mod authority, and won’t reply to a simple yes or no question: “Are you pro-Russian?”

                Now it’s been removed for “incivility.” Take of it what you will.

        • @Dasus
          6 months ago

          oh and here’s a direct quote from him, from his link from our earlier chat:

          There are approximately zero Russian trolls

          • davel [he/him]
            -26 months ago

            Correct. Lemmy has as many Russian trolls as it has NAFO trolls: approximately zero.

            “Troll” does not mean, “anyone who disagrees with me,” and “Russian troll” does not mean anyone “anyone who disagrees with me with respect to the Ukraine proxy war.”

            • @Dasus
              6 months ago

              You’re denying the existence of propaganda. Russian propaganda to be specific. You’re trying to assert it doesn’t even exist, while the same time refusing to answer a single question about anything you’ve said — or rather have loudly refused to say.

              Has Russia broken international law with an illegal invasion of Ukraine?

              You must realise this avoidance of yours is a very clear indicator that you’re pro-Russian and that you don’t think that Russia has broken international law, right?

              How about you try to keep to the conversation for even half a comment. You’re almost on Trump levels of avoidance and non-sequiturs.

              You’re a Russian, and you’re advocating for Russia. This is very clear to anyone who looks at your profile.

              If that’s something you don’t agree with and have accidentally happened to talk about things that just happen to be the exact thing Russian propaganda also says, then say so, like I’ve asked a billion times.

              “No Russian trolls exist, anywhere, ever. And that is my answer to a yes or no question, asking me whether I’m pro-Russian or not. To deny the existence of Russia propaganda while repeating Russian propaganda.”

              Why are you unable to answer a simple yes or no question put to you a dozen times? (This is a rhetorical question, we all know.)

              • davel [he/him]
                6 months ago

                Has Russia broken international law with an illegal invasion of Ukraine?

                Why are you unable to answer a simple yes or no question put to you a dozen times?

                It’s not that I’m unable—as I have already answered—it’s that I choose not to restate it in the format you demand, no matter how many times you nag me. You’re just making a fool of yourself with this harassment.

                • @Dasus
                  06 months ago

                  So now you’re trying the “I’ve already answered” so that people need to go through the entire thread just to see you haven’t, instead of just writing “yes” or “no”?

                  You literally haven’t disagreed with anything. The only thing you keep doing is avoiding the thing I’m talking about, while furiously denying the credibility of anything criticising Russia.

                  You say that there are as many members of Russian state propaganda on Lemmy as members of the group “NAFO”. Well, guess you’ve never read the English version of the article and only ingested the propaganda put to you, but as I read through the article you linked, I saw that I very much seem to be a member of the group, seeing as it’s described as a “Western civil society response to Russian campaigns”. It’s a completely freely formed group of Western people who are knowingly battling the organised Russian propaganda.

                  So if you say there are as many Russian agents as “NAFO agents”, and I’m one of the latter, then — by your logic — there’s a Russian state actor somewhere in this thread? I wonder if you can spot them?

                  According to the cyber warfare unit of the U.S. Army, the 780th Military Intelligence Brigade, “For an online community like NAFO, hostile mention from an official propaganda outlet of its target is evidence its ridicule is achieving the desired effect.”

                  You haven’t answered whether you think Russia has broken international law, and you won’t. You’ll keep stomping your foot, yelling “fake news, fak news, Russia isn’t a baddie”, while being ridiculously see-through in your avoidance of admitting Russia’s war crimes.

                  Everyone reading this who’s past the age of eight (and not grown up in a propaganda filled second world country) can deduce that you think Russia didn’t break international law by invading Ukraine, and you’re refusing to answer it for the same reason criminals often loudly proclaim their innocence; they don’t want to get punished. Which is what you would be, socially, were you to admit your political views on this forum.

                  Which is why you can’t do that, and which is why you haven’t uttered a single opinion. You only manage to avoid avoid avoid, instead of writing “yes” or “no” or “I can’t answer that because I know the right answer but me saying it outloud might be considered treason”.

                  • davel [he/him]
                    -26 months ago

                    Just like last time, everyone stopped reading a while ago, including me.

                • @Dasus
                  06 months ago

                  Literally everything you say is the opposite of truth, in classical Russian fashion. :D

                  Dude, you’re the one actually breaking rules and abusing your mod status, and you dare cry “harassment”? So I’ve made your tummy feel bad by insisting you answer or deny being a direct perpetuator of Russian propaganda — which insists Russia hasn’t broken international law. When it clearly has.


                  You won’t say it, so I will: Russia has broken international law, and anyone who argues they didn’t is lying through their teeth and doing so on purpose.