• @dubious
    17 days ago

    quit telling me what i want. i’m the one that decides what i want. not you. i don’t care about your slippery slope. i know how to take care of myself. thanks for your concern.

    • Sway
      17 days ago

      “Justice is a legal or moral process of evaluating and resolving conflicts, whereas revenge is a personal desire to cause harm or injury to someone who has wronged you.”

      You don’t give a fuck how they get to it, you just want punishment, that’s not moral process of evaluating or resolving conflict, it’s revenge.

      • @dubious
        17 days ago

        god, you fucking poindexters and your false dichotomies, and your googled definitions, and your fucking debate team bullshit. just fuck off okay? i disagree with you and you don’t get to define my motivations. do you fucking understand that, poindexter?

        • Sway
          17 days ago

          All you want is revenge. You don’t care about justice, just accept that. You can’t beat logic with ad hominem attacks.

          • @dubious
            17 days ago

            all you want is to have the last word, so go ahead and have it. i’ll be living my guilt-free life undeterred by your lame attempt at trolling.