What is your favorite mythological figure (of ancient religions only)?

  • @[email protected]
    84 months ago

    Demeter is up there.

    Her baby father (Zeus), aka the big douchebag, married away her daughter Persephone to his brother Hades. Patriarchy does what patriarchy does. The brothers were aware neither Persephone nor Demeter would approve of the deal so Hades had to kidnap Persephone and force the deal upon her.

    So Persephone were abducted and her mother were beyond herself with worry about her absence. Once Demeter learnt about the deal she threw the hissy fit that all hissy fits are measured against. Plants stopped growing, livestock stopped giving birth and the world soon was in a cataclysmic state. Behold a mother’s justified wrath and tremble.

    Douchebag-in-chief was forced to negotiate but wouldn’t anull the whole deal. Only that Persephone would spend half her time with her mother (spring, summer) and the other half with the husband forced upon her (autumn, winter).

    • balderdash
      14 months ago

      This comment alone is making me interested in Greek mythology. I’d like to know more. Any reading suggestions toward that end?

      • @[email protected]
        34 months ago

        Not as much reading but I’m taking much of my cues regarding mythology from Red over at Overly Sarcastic Productions (https://www.youtube.com/@OverlySarcasticProductions).

        Two related videos
        Wrath of Demeter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhhANZKerug
        Hades and Persephone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac5ksZTvZN8

        What I especially like about their content is that there is plenty of source critique. Things are seldom presented as “this is the exact truth”. Mentioned in the video about Hades and Persephone is “we don’t know the original myth” which I find telling of much of their mythology work.

      • @Agent641
        24 months ago

        Im currently listening to an audiobook by Arthur C Clarke called ‘The Greeks’ which is about ancient greek history.

        Ive also listened to Stephen Fry’s ‘Mythos’ which is about ancient Greek mythology.

        I would strongly recommend them both.