• @Letsdothis
    6 days ago

    It’s the ignorant denial of this place being an echo chamber. The whole trans group is like this.

    Or it could be rephrased as “Shitheads should not be tolerated in any sensible community.” Transphobes, like homophobes and racists, should not be welcome amongst decent folk.

    It’s the insulting inclusion of others, using ignorant generalizations and stereo types (edit:and assumptions). No one is getting hurt because of factual logical opposition. Trans women are not real women. This is a biological fact. Talk about being fragile. Does it hurt to hear this opinion? I’m so sorry it might hurt your feelings. You might be a trans woman, but you still have balls, use them

    • @Apepollo11
      46 days ago

      No one is getting hurt because of factual logical opposition. Trans women are not real women. This is a biological fact.

      Sorry, wrong on two counts.

      Although they’ve been used interchangeably, because typically they align, sex and gender are two separate concepts. I’m sorry if this offends you.

      Trans women are women (gender), although they are not biologically female (sex).

      These are facts. I’m sorry if this offends you.

      • @Letsdothis
        -16 days ago

        If anything is offensive, it is the delusions…

        Trans women are women (gender), although they are not biologically female (sex).

        To call a person who is male (sex) a woman (gender) is creating an illusion… I don’t care of these people want to pretend to be the opposite gender, but stop with delusions.

        Women = female. These people are female. You can’t start creating new definitions of words.

        I’ll say it again… Trans women are not REAL women. They are pretend women. Why create confusion? Let’s be truthful about facts.

        • @Apepollo11
          56 days ago

          Sorry pal, it’s not me creating these “new” definitions of words. Take it up with the Gender Studies bods who are literal experts in this field.

          • @Letsdothis
            -36 days ago

            I’ll make this really simple…

            Some men want to be called women. Fine! They can call them themselves whatever they want. As soon as anyone starts to tell me that it is a requirement that I have to use the pronoun that they have chosen, thats too far. I’ll call every single person I know “bub” male or female. That’s MY choice. If you can’t handle that, maybe you’re being insensitive.

            • @Apepollo11
              56 days ago

              That’s absolutely fine. If you want to be wrong, that’s your right.

              I’m sorry if this offends you.

          • @Letsdothis
            -16 days ago

            People can be whatever the hell they want. I’m not arguing that. It’s the classifications. It’s delusional. I’m not arguing that a person can pretend to be whatever, but I’m not going to participate in their delusion and call a man a woman.