Hi :) I know that Telegram is not save and not a good messenger if you are a privacy-geek. Sadly some parts of my family still think so. I brougth up the arguments, that they are cooperating with Russia, that they or closed-source on the server-side and that e2ee is not on by default and only available for 1-on-1 chats.

My question now is, if you gals and guys might have some other arguments or sources I could use.

I don’t want to convince anyone to switch away from Telegram (because I am no missionary :D) I just want people to understand the risks of using Telegram.

  • mox
    6 months ago

    Is it true that Telegram doesn’t encrypt group chats at all? Maybe that would get their attention?

    My biggest criticism of Telegram (but not the only one) is that they use homebrew crypto. Of course, I don’t know if your family would understand why that’s bad.

    • ByteMe
      106 months ago

      It’s true. I’m also really annoyed with rising telegram premium stuff. It used to be just a nifty addon, now it’s everywhere.

      • @andylicious1337OP
        26 months ago

        what exactly do you mean by “telegram premium stuff”?

        • THX-1138
          46 months ago

          Basically more perks which honestly is just more useless bloatware imo.

        • ByteMe
          26 months ago

          Gift someone premium, do this and do that with premium, now there are some ads too etc

    • Dark Arc
      36 months ago

      Their crypto is still AES it’s just the stuff around it that’s home brewed… And even then telegram has been around 10+ years now with no known breaches via the encryption.

      That argument was a lot stronger years ago.

    • @andylicious1337OP
      26 months ago

      oh yeah that is a good point (well tge encryption-part and the one with the group-chats). they will not understand why this is bad but that should be easy yo explain (i guess :D ).