• @chemical_cutthroat
    5 days ago

    Honestly, horrifying. She is a celebrity. She should have no sway on politics. It isn’t her field. I’m sure, right now, there is someone reading this and thinking, “This person should shut the fuck up,” but think about all of that power. Now, imagine if that power weren’t aimed against the GOP, but working for them. Do you want a pop star deciding an election on a whim? That’s basically how we got Trump in the first place. This shit really has to stop. I’ve heard a lot of people saying things like, “At least she is doing something good with her popularity,” but is she? Is this good? Or is it just beneficial to us? Ice cream is good. It isn’t good for us.

    Edit: lol, found the Swifties, I guess. To clarify a bit, I’m not saying that she did a bad thing by getting people to register to vote. That’s a good thing. I’m saying it’s bad that her endorsement of Harris is what did it. If she had endorsed Trump and the same thing happened there would be rioting in the fucking streets. Every liberal would be taking the next week off of work to go block traffic in protest. But no, continue on with your lives because the system is working in your favor this time. I’m sure that this won’t come back to bite us all in the ass, again.

    • @halcyoncmdr
      465 days ago

      You do realize she didn’t tell anyone who to vote for right? She included a link to register and provided her opinion and said, “Your research is all yours to do, and the choice is yours to make”.

      Just because the best the GOP could manage to con into joining was the washed up Kid Rock, that doesn’t mean popular celebrities shouldn’t voice their opinions.

      She’s using her platform to advocate that people register to vote, and to make their own decision. I don’t see anyone in the GOP reaching out to try and have more people register to vote. They’re doing the exact opposite and trying to disenfranchise as many voters as possible since, historically, higher turnout works against them.

      • @LifeOfChance
        65 days ago

        I think their overall point is a valid one. If tomorrow someone with that much influence just decides to voice their opinion it would HEAVILY sway the vote. I’m glad she said the right thing and everything it’s still scary.

        • @[email protected]
          54 days ago

          Good comparison is probably Elon Musk, who has a lot of influence, owns social media, and is the richest person on the planet. Need a few more Taylor Swifts to counter that.

      • @Letsdothis
        -64 days ago

        Your implication that swhift didn’t have bias in encouraging people to register to vote is laughable. She’s absolutely has been vocal about her opinions.

        • @halcyoncmdr
          44 days ago

          I never claimed she was unbiased. Or that she didn’t endorse a specific candidate. Her choice was clear from the get go, regardless of the endorsement. My point was she didn’t tell people how they should vote.

          • @Letsdothis
            -64 days ago

            I never claimed she was unbiased. Or that she didn’t endorse a specific candidate. Her choice was clear from the get go, regardless of the endorsement.

            Yet, then.

            My point was she didn’t tell people how they should vote.

            • @Xanis
              34 days ago

              Petty bickering. Moreover, rather than discuss the topic, you’re attacking the individual through some opinion or explanation they give. Even then you’re doing it poorly. Come now. lol

              • @Letsdothis
                -23 days ago

                You’re just all sorts wrong. Next time, stop, breathe, and wait 15 seconds to reconsider your post.

    • @surewhynotlem
      104 days ago

      “more people voting is bad because they disagree with me”

      Did I summarize that properly?

      • @nieminen
        22 days ago

        Yeah that’s what I read. I’m not even a Swifty, this is just a bad take

    • @takeda
      335 days ago

      I was with you until “isn’t her field”, frankly it’s everyone’s field. She is a singer, but she is also a voter.

      I’m tired of this argument. GQP was also telling Kaepernick that it wasn’t his field.

      • @niktemadur
        135 days ago

        “Only the experts governments should have the opinions!” sounds like a typical thing to say by every right-wing asshole when it doesn’t go their way, even as they cheer other imbeciles like Curt Schilling, Scott Baio, Ted Nugent, James Woods, Joe Rogan, Mel Gibson, etc, whenever they spout any batshit, willfully ignorant opinion that just happens to be exactly want the red meat crowd wants to hear.

        • @[email protected]
          75 days ago

          Which is ironic because when the “government experts” said the impact of Covid was real and you should wear a mask, they didn’t believe them.

          • @niktemadur
            34 days ago

            Don’t even bother pointing it out to them, it’s a trap, a useless expenditure of energy wherever reality is elastic to the point of nonsensical, futile like shoveling water in a lake to make a hole and a mound.
            You could present a thousand “gotcha!” moments and not a single one would make any difference.

    • @[email protected]
      145 days ago

      The GOP has their own celebs to include Elon Musk, who has his own fan base and an entire social media platform to endorse those views every day, if he wishes. There are plenty of other well known actors and celebrities that back the GOP as well. But yet, here you are.

      Celebrity status aside, most of those people are actually US citizens as well. While they have larger platforms to speak on, you just complaining about freedom of speech. Just like you are free to spout of nonsensical garbage, Swift is free to endorse whoever she wants.

      this isn’t her field

      What? She is a voting citizen expressing her opinion about politics. It’s quite literally the field of every person in the US.

      Restrictions on any kind of speech for anyone, unless those words pose an immediate threat to other lives, is the exact opposite of the first amendment.

      Learn how rights work.

      • @nieminen
        12 days ago

        To be totally fair, these people only seem to want the rights that work for them and oppress others. Other’s rights and influence are no longer fair unless they align with their bigotry.

    • @[email protected]
      145 days ago

      So…you have a degree in political science, right? To make this comment?

      Or a sociology degree?

      Unless you have a masters, I’m going to have to report you to the police for making an illegal comment.

    • @[email protected]
      95 days ago

      found the Swifties

      Of course you would assume people who disagree with you are “Swifties” and not just people with better cognitive reasoning than you that recognize your shit take.

    • chingadera
      55 days ago

      If you are doubting the reception of what you’re about to say, you should likely rethink your position.

      • @nieminen
        12 days ago

        NGL, I don’t think this is right. In THIS CASE I think it makes sense, because taking a stance with trump is reprehensible. But changing your opinion ONLY because it might be unpopular is a bad path IMHO.

        We should all check our biases and rethink and research our opinions frequently, but the popularity of a position shouldn’t really make a difference.

        • chingadera
          12 days ago

          i think it should make you pause and rethink is all

          • @nieminen
            12 days ago

            Fair, never bad to make that decision.

        • chingadera
          35 days ago

          I’d argue its yours based on public opinion.

        • StarshotJohn
          35 days ago

          You’re talking about dumb takes? That’s rich.

    • @Konstant
      25 days ago

      Have you been sleeping? They don’t call her one of the most influential woman in the world for no reason.

    • @Letsdothis
      04 days ago

      Oh man… Clear, logical, level-headed, and even slightly left of center bias. Yet you still feel the wrath of militant, radical left here on lemmy. Any dissenting voice in an echo chamber is abhorred.

      • @chemical_cutthroat
        -14 days ago

        I am the militant, radical left. I’m the socialist. I’m the atheist. I’m the one saying Kill Your Masters. And in this post I’m saying that one person has too much power.

        How many voices would have to be raised to drown out one trust find baby with a record deal? It’s hilarious that until this happened this goddamned website was inundated with memes about Taylor Swift’s private jet habit, but now we’re all supposed to suck her dick because she said she’s voting for Harris and not Hitler? These fickle children.