I have been using kodi but it just so limited and clunky. Android TV is better but that is a major challenge since Android TV is very tied to Google with not much existing outside of Google.
What I am looking for is a device that can work with mostly Jellyfin. I don’t use any streaming services. It would need to work flawlessly with a remote and I am looking for something that maintains itself mostly.
Don’t connect it to the internet
That doesn’t guarantee 100% privacy on a densely populated area anymore. Nowadays you’ve stuff like Amazon Sidewalk and who knows who’s partner and what devices are in it.
Iirc that’s specifically for amazon devices, this was regarding Samsung TVs
Not specifically for amazon devices, they’ve opened up the network to “selected partners”, I believe Samsung isn’t on the list but that may happen at any point and to be fair did you read the ToS to know if they don’t have something similar already? What are their plans?
All I know is that I’ve never connected my TV to the internet and never gotten ads on it
Not saying more sinister things aren’t possible, but for my TV to connect to some kind of mesh net, it would probably need a firmware update, which its not going to get, because again, its not connected to the internet.
Yea I’m gonna press X to doubt that TVs are connecting to Amazon street devices without explicit permission. That sounds like complete bullshit.
My TV lets me disable IOT devices from connecting.