Every show with a suicide now has a disclaimer with a suicide hotline at the beginning. Is there any evidence that these warnings make a positive difference?

  • @stoly
    25 days ago

    It’s notable that you needlessly made this personal…almost as if you existed at trump levels of projection.

    • @exanime
      05 days ago

      Having more experience than you in a topic does not mean projection

      • @stoly
        15 days ago

        You know nothing about me yet chose to make it personal twice. This is too strange.

        • @exanime
          05 days ago

          Nothing here is about you bud… Self centered much?

          I’ll just stop feeding the attention hungry hippo

          • @stoly
            25 days ago

            Sorry but you don’t get to walk in, behave badly, and blame the other person. That’s just toxic. Have a block.