Their surgeon general is something else

  • @AA5B
    54 days ago

    Yes. Unfortunately the optimal timing is different from flu so you should probably go twice rather than get both at once

    • subignition
      43 days ago

      Do you have a source on that? I asked about this recently when I got mine and was told there was no issue with getting both at once

      • @AA5B
        13 days ago

        Yes, there is no issue getting both at once, and it’s probably useless to try to time each for peak effectiveness. Nevertheless, I believe peak effectiveness for flu shot is about a month earlier than peak effectiveness for COViD

        • subignition
          33 days ago

          You’re not even the user I asked, but thanks for the drive-by insult I suppose.

            • subignition
              73 days ago

              If you had anything useful to contribute I wouldn’t think twice about it, but you’re clearly just trying to pick a fight.

              I dunno what you’re going through that’s got you in that mood, but I hope it clears up soon.

    • @[email protected]
      24 days ago

      I’m happy to be a bit suboptimal and get vaccinated when convenient. I got my flu shot a week before school came back in session and my COVID shot a week later, because that’s when the new booster came out where I am. I’d have been happy to get them at the same time because better something suboptimal than nothing because you forgot or got busy.

      • @AA5B
        13 days ago

        This is the way