Replacing a dishwasher. Most of the mid-range options now come with fucking Wi-Fi. Found a model I liked, no info in manual and support from Samsung was of course, useless since it wasn’t already in the manual and wanted to keep talking about their exciting “smart things” app. gag.

I saw a youtube video of a guy disconnecting wifi cable on a fridge. I’m fine doing that if I have to open up the board but it’ll probably be smaller than the fridge and who knows if it’ll be helpfully labled like the one in the video was. Internet searching showed me there may be oven keypress combinations to turn wi-fi radio on/off. Anyone have anything similar/advice for Samsung appliances, specifically dishwashers?

  • [email protected]
    6 months ago

    model #? You can usually find enough info from the FCC id, which often has pictures of insides, especially radio stuff like.

    Edit: nvm, I had missed the Costco link. I’ll see if I can find anything.

    • @pdxfedOP
      46 months ago

      Thank you, the FCC filing is a good idea, if you find something useful that would be great.

      • [email protected]
        46 months ago

        I couldn’t find it using the model number on but it might be that the dishwashers themselves aren’t FCC certified and they only send whatever wireless board they add to it.
        Usually can find anything that has radio signals with teardown pics, etc.