• @brucethemoose
    5 days ago

    Is this why everyone is downvoting the fact checker? Because they don’t like it saying their preferred outlets have a bias?

    The Guardian does have a left bias, its pretty obvious. That’s not a bad thing.

    • JaggedRobotPubes
      195 days ago

      It says center and center-right outlets have a left bias. It’s a blatant limp-dick attempt to make republican extremism (or “republicans”, for short) seem normal. Or just as bad, the dopey, hapless, and vocal victim of such a campaign.

      • @EmpathicVagrant
        45 days ago

        If it was powered by ground.news and not just advertising it, I think it would be a lot more favorable.

      • @brucethemoose
        25 days ago

        It says center and center-right outlets have a left bias

        Which outlets, specifically?

        • @Viking_Hippie
          15 days ago

          MSNBC, CNN, NYT, WaPo and Politico, to name just a few examples, are usually joined at the hip with the Center Right to Right wing Dem leadership and when they disagree with them, it’s usually to go further right.

          I haven’t checked MBFC, the hobby of a right wing Zionist masquerading as an authority i bias and fact checking lately, but I’d be very surprised if it didn’t still pretend that all of those are center Left to Left.

          • @brucethemoose
            04 days ago

            I’m sorry, but Democratic leadership, the Washington Post, and the New York Times are not “right wing.” The last Republican presidental candidate thje NYT endorsed was Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956.

            They’re right wing to you and Lemmy, but Lemmy is not the center of America’s political compass. And I’m speaking as a rabid DJT hater who votes straight ticket Democrat, bar one primary I registered republican in just so I could vote against DJT.

            • @Viking_Hippie
              24 days ago

              The only way that they’re not right of center is in relation to the GOP. Do you have ANY idea how much farther right than the policy positions of the greater population the media’s Overton window has drifted in recent decades?

              One party’s LITERALLY fascist and the other one’s close enough to willingly negotiate with it on everything.

              The Dem leadership is DEFINITELY right of center and so is the pro-cop pro-Israel pro- corporate billionaire-owned media.

              Just because conservative Democrats are the leftmost option offered in elections where the other candidate is a fascist or an anarcho-capitalist doesn’t mean that they’re left of center.

    • @pubquiz
      5 days ago

      It’s not a bias, though, they call idiots: “idiots”. That’s not a bias, it’s reporting a FACT. Bias is sanewashing Herr Drumpf’s verbal diarrhoea.