Surprised pikachu face

  • @exanime
    4 months ago

    … To the surprise of <checks notes> absolutely nobody

    Actually I have a question and I admit knowing nothing of the legal framework here but…

    Isn’t it absolutely ridiculous that a not-for-profit entity can exists solely for the purpose of developing a closed-source piece of software, demand to train it for free off copyrighted material, just to switch to a for-profit entity??

    Sound 100% like tax avoidance. Like me registering a charity so I can throw a mega concert/party privately, secure preferencial treatment on supplies, get discounts on artists or even free performance and then switch to for profit as I start selling tickets

    • @jacksilver
      144 months ago

      Originally all their work was supposed to be published and shared with the world, hence the “open” in OpenAI. However somewhere along the way they made a for-profit break off of the original company and started pulling everything in that direction.