Hello all!

This is my first time doing anything like this so I’m sure it’s some basic technical thing I’m missing but I’m having trouble with this.

I have my server running on Linux mint and I can get that to work just fine but no matter what I do I cannot connect to the server from the Jellyfin app or swiftfin what’s the most likely cause of this and how can I fix it?

  • zelifcam
    6 months ago

    How do you know the server is worker fine? How are you accessing it to know that?


    Do you have a firewall running on your mint installation? If so have you allowed the ports (8096/8097)

    Can you access the web client on the Mint installation http://<ip of mint>:8096

    Can you use that same address on your phone / another computer to access it?

    FYI If you’re using that will not work on your phone or any client that’s not running the Jellyfin server.

    When you use the Jellyfin app which server address are you putting in?

      • zelifcam
        6 months ago

        How? Like http://<ip of mint>:8096 in a web browser? On the same system running the server or is this a separate computer?

          • zelifcam
            6 months ago

            Ok. What address are you using when trying access the server on your phone or Jellyfin client?

            Edit: An address like this or this http://<ip address of Linux mint system>:8096/

              • zelifcam
                6 months ago

                Ok. So you’re definitely not trying to use remotely.

                So on your phone’s web browser ( using the same WiFi ) if you visit http://<ip of mint system>:8096 and nothing happens then it’s the firewall on the mint system. You would need to allow ports 8096/8097.

                I’ve never used Linux mint, but if it’s Debian based then it might be using UFW firewall.

                First, check that if firewall is running. Open a terminal and type:

                sudo ufw status

                Step 2: Open ports 8096 and 8097

                To allow traffic through ports 8096 and 8097, use the following commands:

                sudo ufw allow 8096/tcp
                sudo ufw allow 8097/tcp

                This opens both ports for TCP traffic. If you also want to open the ports for UDP traffic, you can use:

                sudo ufw allow 8096/udp
                sudo ufw allow 8097/udp

                Step 3: Verify the rules

                Once you’ve added the rules, you can check the firewall status to verify the changes:

                sudo ufw status

                You should see entries for ports 8096 and 8097 allowing TCP (and/or UDP) traffic.

                Step 4: Reload firewall (if necessary)

                If the changes do not take effect immediately, you may reload the firewall using:

                sudo ufw reload

                Now, the firewall should allow traffic through ports 8096 and 8097.

                  • zelifcam
                    6 months ago

                    If it’s accessible using primary IP on the main system , firewall is set or completely disabled and both client and server are on the same network, then I’m not sure. Unless there’s some kinda of network setting mismatch on the laptop or a configuration in Jellyfin not allowing connections outside the host , then I’m not sure. We did cover the basics, so I’m sorry it’s not working.