From David Attenborough Fans

This set of 31 claws and talons allowS you to compare their size and appreciate the functional differences connected to the different behaviors in hunting and eating.

The GHO and Barn Owl are in the top row.

Are there any surprises for you in getting to compare them?

Pound for pound, the raptors have some pretty big pokey bits.

  • NegativeNull
    75 months ago

    Therizinosaurus claw:

    Therizinosaurus means “Scythe Lizard”

    • anon6789OP
      45 months ago

      That looks like a toucan skull.

      It was scary until I read they’re just built in salad tongs!

      • NegativeNull
        75 months ago

        They are definitely a goofy looking bunch:

        The claws were mostly used to pull up grasses and such in marshes.