• @Dasus
    26 months ago

    I’d say nice try, but it isn’t.

    I keep making the same point. You can’t let go and stop replying out of like… spite, or something?

    Nothing to it. I’m not trying to insult you, but guess you are me.

      • @Dasus
        16 months ago

        I’m not trying to change th3 subject mr “cops won’t get away with anything in my house”

        Now I realise it’s a different country, but here’s my personal experience.


        In Finland. And no-one fucking believes me here. Despite having supreme court documents to show. And that’s only a part of the illegal shit I got them on, as they forcibly prevented me fron filming.

        • @[email protected]
          06 months ago

          I see. It’s a language barrier, and you took the “get away with” as a serious statement of getting away with a crime when I mean it like: “people cannot get into my house without being on camera”

          Problem solved.

          • @Dasus
            16 months ago

            You use “being on camera” to imply that since they’re on camera, they’ll face consequences for whatever they might do.

            With law enforcement, that isn’t nearly as probable as you think. I hope you have those feeds recording to a server that isn’t located on the same premises, at the very least. Even if you have the material though, it usually doesn’t mean a thing. Cops can justify pretty much anything in the US, and the justice system tends to go their way. Sure, you can show a few examples of cops actually sentenced, but for each one, there’s at least a dozen cases of officers who got off scot-free or with a warning, and a hundred more who weren’t even investigated.

            And as to your pitiful attempts at insults with your assumption that your English is better than mine? I’ve more than likely used English longer than you. More than you. In addition, I speak another language on a native level and several others on a customer service level. How many do you speak?

              • @Dasus
                16 months ago

                Ah, so… what exactly is the reason that you think having video of cops makes you safe?

                You’re trying to avoid seeming foolish. Like when you tried to correct my English.

                So… how many languages do you speak?

                • @[email protected]
                  16 months ago

                  I never said it made me safe, I just said I have a lot of cameras. You took my comment, added your own thoughts to it, and then attacked me to make yourself feel something inside.

                  If it wasn’t misinterpreted, then you’re just fabricating information because you desire an argument.

                  Kinda sad really.

                  • @Dasus
                    16 months ago

                    You started this with “thats why it’s important to have a lot of cameras”, to which someone responded “so the cops can shut them off, like they did Afroman’s?”, to which you responded “cops wouldn’t…”

                    Then I entered the conversation, because you’ve asserted what cops would and wouldn’t do, showing just how much faith — wrongly, though — you have in the justice system.

                    You’re just really hard trying to ad hoc what you said, but unlike in real life, what has been said is actually on record, so bullshitting your way out of this doesn’t work as easily as with your mates in the pub.

                    Weird how you yourself commented on the “language barrier” and what you thought was an incorrect use of the English language, yet now have completely shut up about it, almost as if you’re avoiding comparing your language skills to mine. Perhaps because you don’t like feeling stupid?