There’s no change in my games this week.

Still playing Greedfall. I am starting to like the game more now. There were some surprises in narrative, which I wasn’t expecting, and your choices can effect outcomes of different things, which I also wasn’t expecting.

Had to stop playing at an interesting place, so excited to play over the weekend to find how the story progresses.

Earthlock is still my primary Switch game. Nothing to add here. It’s a nice, modern JRPG. Still playing it, still enjoying it.

I was right about Trails in the Sky: Second Chapter last week. I was in the final dungeon of first chapter. Finished that, and just started the second chapter. Fortunately it didn’t expire my remaining side-quest, so finished them all before going to next region for chapter two. Playing it slowly, cause I want to finish Earthlock before Zelda release, so this is going to take a few months to finish.

What about all of you? What have you been playing?

  • Katana314
    6 months ago

    Steamworld Heist 2 has been a lot of fun. Allows for a bit of grinding to account for difficulty gaps, as well as many mix-matched abilities.

    It avoids one issue many RPGS have where everything about characters is customizable and thus no one is unique. While each character starts off with some advances in a given skill tree, they also have some particularly good unique abilities that can potentially be used with any class. For instance, Daisy the sniper has a stun gun that uses no action points and stuns someone for a turn.

    And, as with the original, getting ricochets is a lot of fun. It’s especially nice as the sniper class using a Perfect Aim ability to more easily get the crazy shots that are ricocheting around 8 times.

    • slimerancherOPM
      6 months ago

      Oooh, sounds fun. I loved the first one, and second one is pretty high on my list of game to play.

      Glad to see the game is good and you are enjoying it.