This is guess-free, and 14 mines left, all under those uncovered squares.

Any thoughts on how to proceed ?

EDIT - never mind. Tried brute force with the hope that the path I choose would be the right one - and lost.

But there’s always a next time mine, lol.

And it was indeed heartening to see the Minesweeper community in Lemmy is not dead.

  • @DaddleDew
    6 months ago

    I see what you mean. That means that the covered square that is top left of that 4 has 1/2 chance to be a mine. While the other two squares on its right each have 1/4 chance to have a mine in them since they require a 1/2 chance condition for it to be possible for a mine to be in either of those two remaining squares. Edit: legiblity

    Sadly, it appears that only trying one of them successfully will still leave you stuck with 1/2 chance guesses so it doesn’t help much still.

    • DeadNinjaOP
      16 months ago

      Bingo. I guess you got my reason behind flagging the square above the “4”.

      But I am still stuck… May be brute force is the only way out…