The tiny electronic devices remain a vital means of communication in some areas - such as health care and emergency services, thanks to their durability and long battery life
It’s because they are simpler devices which are much less infrastructure dependent, and also less power hungry. A single battery charge in a pager will last you much longer than a single battery charge on a smartphone.
Also due to their lower infrastructure requirements they can function even if cellular networks are not functioning, at all or optimally.
It’s because they are simpler devices which are much less infrastructure dependent, and also less power hungry. A single battery charge in a pager will last you much longer than a single battery charge on a smartphone.
Also due to their lower infrastructure requirements they can function even if cellular networks are not functioning, at all or optimally.
When I worked for a cell company, our on-call technicians carried a pager that was on a different company’s network.
What networks do they use then?