• @skeezixOP
    420 hours ago

    I know you would. That’s not in doubt. But posting glory articles about Stein, a compromised candidate, with full admission that you’re not even voting for her makes your motives only more suspect.

    • Socialist BerserkerM
      10 hours ago

      I know you would. That’s not in doubt.

      Well at least we agree on that.

      you’re not even voting for her makes your motives only more suspect.

      I also post articles about RFK, libertarians, the pirate party, the constitution party, and other third parties that I am not voting for. And they take votes AWAY from republicans. That suspect too?

      And then there are my socialist communities I created and mod where I have posted over 500 articles and comments about socialist causes. Which is about as anti-republican as you can get. That suspect too?

      And in this very community, I have posted pro-republican articles AND pro-democrat articles and pro-third parties. AND I encourage other to post whatever party they want. And you have even posted anti-jill stein articles here.

      So exactly what is it you “suspect” me of? lol

      Let me be blunt. I’m not voting for your fucking candidate. Or the republican candidate. I don’t like either one. But I am all for people having choices, education, and voting for who they believe in.

      I know that pisses you off. But I don’t care. And the madder you get about it, the more it makes me laugh. :)

      • @TrickDacy
        310 hours ago

        And the madder you get about it, the more it makes me laugh. :)

        Isn’t this an admission to trolling?

        • Socialist BerserkerM
          -210 hours ago

          lololol Nope. It’s called posting what I want, when I want, and laughing about how mad you are about it.

          And the reason you’re mad is even funnier. You are legit mad because I believe in people having a choice. And that burns you sooo bad, that you’re obsessed.

          That shit is hilarious!

          • @TrickDacy
            9 hours ago

            None of it is civil, to put it mildly. I know you fear the ban that is coming because if you didn’t you would’ve not been choosing your words so carefully

            • Socialist BerserkerM
              -25 hours ago

              And what ban am I waiting for? And why would I get banned, again? Because you have never given me an answer on that yet.

                • Socialist BerserkerM
                  -34 hours ago

                  Why don’t ya just tell me? I mean, you are so sure of it and all, so just let me know all about it. And what would I get banned for again? Ohhhh right. For posting news articles that you don’t like.

                  Ok…Um, fediverse doesn’t work that way friend.

                  See the fediverse celebrates diversity of opinions and thoughts. I know that annoys you, but oh well…

                  • @TrickDacy
                    24 hours ago

                    You’ll slip up enough sooner or later

            • Socialist BerserkerM
              -34 hours ago

              Well, you can certainly leave if you’d like. I know you are just getting more and more mad. lol