“With membership at new lows and no electoral wins to their name, it’s time for the Greens to ditch the malignant narcissist who’s presided over its decline.”

  • @[email protected]
    -915 hours ago

    I’m voting for Claudia de la Cruz, not that it matters. neither Claudia, Cornel West, or Jill Stein are actively funding a genocide.

    • @[email protected]
      513 hours ago

      neither Claudia, Cornel West, or Jill Stein are actively funding a genocide.

      Yes, because none of these people work in the government so no fucking shit.

      You’re essentially voting for Donald Trump, just remember that. You can try to rationalize it, but you cannot argue with reality.

      If you actually gave a single shit about the Palestinian people (that you suddenly started caring about on an election year, despite the conditions in Gaza being this way for literal decades), then you will do anything to make sure that Donald Trump does not get elected.

      If you want a viable third party, you don’t wait until 8 months before an election every 4 years to steal votes from the Democratic party. Until we do away with first past the post and/or the Electoral College, voting for anyone other than one of the two major parties is akin to not voting at all (or in many cases, an active detriment to the Democratic party, which is why it’s always such a no-brainer for Putin. Maximum social discord, minimum cost).

      I know that you know this. I just want you to remember it when Trump wins and by February Palestine literally ceases to exist. If you want to see this genocide kicked into high gear all you gotta do is: vote for Donald Trump, vote for a third party, or not vote at all… And then you too can feel like you’re part of the action!

      • @[email protected]
        -212 hours ago

        I’ve been heavily anti-Israel since the murder of Rouzan al-Najjar in 2018. I’ve worked on multiple local campaigns for both independent and Democratic candidates alike. But reading through your rant it definitely sounds like you’re projecting a lot of your own personal insecurities. I’m sorry that exercising my freedom to vote for a candidate that aligns with my values of not commiting genocide upsets you. I hope you can look past your own shortcomings as a human being and learn to forgive yourself for being ok with your tax dollars slaughtering an entire indigenous population.

        • @[email protected]
          310 hours ago

          But your proposed course of action clearly doesn’t align with your stated goal, for reasons that have already been pointed out to you. I don’t see you engaging with that argument. This leads me to believe that you don’t actually care about what happens to Palestinians; you just want to feel like you’re taking a moral stand. People that actually give a shit tend to care about what the consequences of their actions will be.

          • @[email protected]
            06 hours ago

            My proposed course of action aligns with the Palestinian Americans in my community. We speak out at our city council every month and hold rallies near our house reps office every week. But I guess I just don’t care as much as someone voting in favor of the slaughter of their families, someone like you.

            • @[email protected]
              05 hours ago

              Whether that’s true or not, it doesn’t change the math. The world’s full of people advocating against their own interests. You still haven’t addressed the argument.

                • @[email protected]
                  03 hours ago

                  No, it’s the logical and inevitable consequence of the action you’re advocating for. Just saying it’s “dumb” in no way refutes it.

                  • @[email protected]
                    18 minutes ago

                    If that’s what you gotta tell yourself before you sleep at night go off. Personally, I hope you hear the screams of the 15k+ dead Palestinian children every night for the rest of your miserable life.

    • @Cryophilia
      715 hours ago

      Yeah they are. It’s just in Ukraine, which you don’t give a shit about for some reason.

      • @[email protected]
        -313 hours ago

        Oh I give a shit about the working class of Ukraine, thanks for asking. It’s just that Biden/Harris aren’t bypassing Congress multiple times to send $60 billion of my tax dollars to Russia to further their imperialism. But yeah you definitely don’t care about Palestinians, you’ve made that clear. I’m willing to bet you don’t care for the people of Syria, or Libya, or Afghanistan, or Iraq either. I wonder what the common denominator is there. Maybe you just absolutely despise brown Muslims on the opposite end of US imperial conquest.

        • @assassin_aragorn
          312 hours ago

          You’re carrying water for people who say Russia had no choice but to invade and that Russia isn’t to blame for starting the war.

          These candidates are excusing Russia’s actions and not assigning proper culpability to the genocidal, imperial Putin regime. And you’re going to vote for them?

          • @[email protected]
            15 hours ago

            I’m voting for Claudia de la Cruz as mentioned previously. But even if the green party secures 5 percent of the vote, they are eligible for federal funding which is a step away from 2 conservative parties that ignore worsening material conditions for working class Americans.

            • @assassin_aragorn
              13 hours ago

              Third parties have gotten over 5% before. How’d that go for them?

              It’s clear that the current third party strategy of advertising via presidential runs is an abject failure.

              • @[email protected]
                13 minutes ago

                We also used to have socialist political figures in power, if you learned American history at all. Abject failure is supporting genocide, ignoring worsening material conditions of the working class, criminalizing homelessness, and blaming immigrants as a scapegoat for everything.

        • @Cryophilia
          312 hours ago

          So how come you’ve got a line in the sand that you won’t support any candidate who supports Palestinian genocide, but that doesn’t apply to Ukrainian genocide?

          By your own logic you should be rejecting the Greens too.

          • @[email protected]
            15 hours ago

            I think I’ve said this like 3 times now but I’m not voting for green party, I’m voting for Claudia de la Cruz. Again not that it matters. I’m anti imperialist whether it’s genocide by Israel, Russia, or the US.

            • @Cryophilia
              15 hours ago

              By not voting Democrat, you’re enabling imperialism by all of the above. You’re actively working against your own professed goals.

              • @[email protected]
                4 hours ago

                By not voting for one of the two outwardly fascist parties, I’m enabling more fascism. Got it. You should put this effort in convincing a Trump supporter to vote for Kamala. You’re more closely aligned in policy with that voter.

                • @Cryophilia
                  13 hours ago

                  You should put this effort in convincing a Trump supporter to vote for Kamala.

                  That’s what I’m doing lol