I have never seen anything like this? I’ve separated it from the rest of my plants, it’s the only one with this problem! Why is it purple??

  • @givesomefucks
    118 hours ago

    Drooping and dropping leaves is usually lack of water, but who knows with succulents

    I’d assume that’s what it is tho. And the purple is just what they do instead of browning

    • @IMALlama
      58 hours ago

      Not a succulent expert by any means, but the fact that it’s growing some air roots and the dropped leaves also are trying to root also seems to point to not enough water.

      We have a big jade that will air root when it’s too dry. Before it gets to that point it’s leaves will look noticeably less plump.

      Succulents do require watering, but it’s very important to not overdo it. Our Jade is probably only watered ever two months or so when it’s outside (on an east facing porch in zone 6) during the summer and even less frequently in the winter. I know it well enough to be able to eyeball the plant at this point.

      • @givesomefucks
        28 hours ago

        I didn’t even see that on the leaf…

        Can you grow a new plant off just a leaf or would it be like normal plants and just keep the leaf alive if there’s not some “branch” with it to establish a clone?

      • @[email protected]
        28 hours ago

        I didn’t even see the air root at the back, good catch. So not enough sunlight and not enough water to sustain the plant