“If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot,” she said, laughing. “I probably should not have said that. My staff will deal with that later.”

    • @Myxomatosis
      1745 months ago

      “She needs to tone down her violent rhetoric.”

        • @anticolonialist
          -85 months ago

          Carrying and knowing how to use it are 2 different things. Without constant practice and being able to perform under pressure it’s just an idiot with a gun.

            • @WoahWoah
              5 months ago

              He just wants you to know he has a gun and “trains” with it, but it would seem abrupt and weird if he just blurted that out fir no reason.

    • subignition
      675 months ago

      One weird trick to get gun control laws Republicans don’t want you to know!

        • @lepinkainen
          95 months ago

          This is why EVERY queer person should carry a gun, openly if it’s legal in your region

          • @BigPotato
            45 months ago

            Tell that to the Veteran legally open carrying in Texas who was shot by an asshole who felt threatened. The asshole was pardoned.

            For completeness, the asshole was also in the Army but that’s mostly unrelated to his racism and murder of a fellow Servicemember.

            • @FanciestPants
              25 months ago

              It’s like the only way to square “open carry” laws with “stand your ground” laws is to just let people shoot each other.

    • @littlewonder
      5 months ago

      For once, the Democrats have figured out how to game the Republicans into gun regulations: by being vocal about firearm ownership on the left.

      Last time the Republicans passed gun reform, it was during their god-emperor Reagan’s presidency, when Black Panthers had the nerve to arm themselves in public while forgetting to be white.

      Harris should promote open carry for immigrant brown people. Maybe then we can finally get universal background checks, red flag laws, etc.–all popular with the public and a majority of gun owners.