From the Alaska Raptor Center
Meet Qigiq, a Snowy Owl here at the Alaska Raptor Center. Unlike many of their nocturnal counterparts, Snowy Owls are diurnal, embracing the endless Arctic summer days to hunt tirelessly! Did you know Snowy Owls may devour over 1,600 lemmings in a single year?
Went to see what Qigiq meant, and found an older post about him:
Qigiq (pronounced KWIG-ick), a Snowy Owl and Raptor- in-Residence here at the Alaska Raptor Center, belongs to the heaviest owl species here in North America. Thick feathers for insulation from Arctic cold make Snowy Owls North America’s heaviest owl, typically weighing around 4 pounds, 1 pound heavier than a Great Horned Owl and twice the weight of a Great Gray Owl (North America’s tallest owl).
anon6789OP6•5 months ago