• @ChocoboRocket
    5 hours ago

    “boycotts don’t work” lmao

    The gaming community is incapable of executing an effective boycott because they cannot go 5 minutes without the thing they like. So they’ll pre-order garbage, never learn their lesson, and complain the whole time while paying a premium, instead of exercising restraint and playing something else - like one of their 4,000 unplayed games in their bought library.

    • @[email protected]
      94 hours ago

      Boycotts only work when the group boycotting is large enough to impact the bottom line.

      Most gamers just don’t care enough about accounts and launchers to boycott a game or company. They just want to come home from work and play games.

    • TheTechnician27
      126 hours ago

      Yeah, they left off the rest of that lesson, which is “boycotts don’t work if you don’t fucking do them”. Boycotts work when they happen, and it’s still a good thing to personally boycott a game you feel isn’t up to your standards even if the broader community isn’t, but it’s been consistently shown nonetheless that gamers are horrible at wide-scale boycotts.