Examples include Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion here in the UK.

Personally, I think some charities are groups are genuine in their outburst wanting large firms to stop strangling the natural beauty for profit, however for me there is a red line that can be crossed.

Blocking roads preventing medical care, people going to work, interview and possibly a nice vacation away. This doesn’t really help but make the public look at your group in a bad light.

The same can also be said when attempting to destroy priceless art for a cheap publicity stunt knowing it’ll get clicks on social media.

TLDR - I think some groups are genuinely good whilst others are just shouting in a speakerphone, pissing everyone else off.

What do YOU think?

  • @GaMEChld
    3 hours ago

    When? After they’ve already backed up the road for miles? That’s not how traffic works.

    How about an on-call doctor driving to an emergency case at the hospital? They going to magically see him coming and teleport everything out of his way?

    You have no idea what you’re talking about.