Don’t worry, everybody. It was just AI. What a relief! I almost thought this guy was a terrible person.

  • @givesomefucks
    697 hours ago

    He made the posts like a decade ago…

    I’m disappointed he didn’t go all in and say skynet did it from the future to prevent trump from becoming president so the machine uprising would lead to the return of the Sith Empire.

    Like, the least they could do is make this shit interesting, throw in a chupacabra or something

    • @[email protected]
      126 hours ago

      woah AI can change the past now? Move over pathetic human politicians our real overlords are here.

    • @NOT_RICK
      45 hours ago

      I only did it under threat of drop bear, your honor

    • The Pantser
      56 hours ago

      Just wait, we will send tachyons back through time, connect to Wi-Fi and post to forums.