• JelloBrains
    47 days ago

    The Redeemer was good stuff, everything else… not so good. I hate he fizzled out like this but hopefully he’s in a good mental place and is happy whatever he ends up doing next as I don’t know that will be wrestling, he spent most of his AEW time injured or trying to get hired for TV shows.

    • GeekFTWOPM
      47 days ago

      Yeah if nothing else leaving AEW will be a fresh change which after splitting from CJ, losing their home in a flood, and whatever injuries he had will probably be helpful.

          • @Lost_My_Mind
            34 days ago


            Sad hot flexible wife noises

            Aw, that’s for some reason making more sad than other wrestling couples splitting would. I really thought they were going to make it…

            It’s not AS heartbreaking as Macho Man and Elizabeth splitting up…but it’s up there. Elizabeth really messes with me. I know it was a TV character, but she really did seem like the sweet girl next door, type. The kind who never causes drama, and just loves life…and then she dropped Savage to be with…LEX LUGER??? The fell into drugs, and that cost her her own life.

            Swear to god…CJ better not end up with someone like Logan Paul…I know you guys have no frame of reference, but people from Westlake are generally THE WORST.

            • GeekFTWOPM
              14 days ago

              It’s probably 10000% conjecture but there was rumours months back of her being seen hanging around more than once with Damien Priest, so she seems to have better taste than Logan for now.