After months of reminders in team meetings on how to do this properly, supervisors have sicced me on the department.

I have been informed that if the issues continue, supervisors will start pulling people in for chats on why they can’t follow directions that were laid out.

Pray I am the only monster you meet, for I am the kindest.

  • @Sakychu
    325 hours ago

    I smell middle management syndrome

    • @ericbombOP
      345 hours ago

      I’m not even in management, I’m just a senior employee that gets voluntold to run trainings.

      • @[email protected]
        135 hours ago

        I feel your pain. There’s a reason I don’t want to get promoted and actively deny them when I can. “C’mon guys, just let me do what I’m good at and let me be a happy, contented minion.”

        • @ericbombOP
          4 hours ago

          I actually like doing training!.. for people who want to be there, you know?

          I like doing trainings for people who are like “I want to learn XYZ, can you help?” Sure! We’ll get management approval and get that scheduled and hopefully it’ll make your life easier.

          More procedural required stuff? Bleh.

          • HubertManne
            12 hours ago

            Yeah training is fine to me. I actually picked up a masterd of ed over an mba as I think learning and teaching are more relevant to tech that management. well especially when you don’t want to manage.

        • naticus
          34 hours ago

          I’m the same. I’ve been a manager and I’m so glad those days are done. I want to do the work, not delegate the work, and do it well. I don’t care about recognition, I just want to see a functioning process or system that’ll make me appreciate the effort I’ve put in.