Don’t worry, everybody. It was just AI. What a relief! I almost thought this guy was a terrible person.

  • @yesman
    275 hours ago

    Did anybody look at the reporting CNN did? They linked his email, real name, and a favored username all across his socials. Other details like his age and location further confirm the user on the porn site was him.

    Honestly, it’s scary to think if someone did this to me. Even if you had good opsec, with the help of AI, you might be able to correlate online accounts through writing style alone.

    • @FireTower
      42 hours ago

      Yeah I thought the same thing. With how much people reveal about themselves online these days with just OSINT pretty much anyone dedicated enough or facilitated by ai could create a similar effect.

      The thing here that lend significant credibility is the shared phrases predated on the other site.

    • @[email protected]
      3 hours ago

      You dont really need AI for the correlation when you’ve got usernames being reused so heavily and consistently across numerous social platforms. Just a search engine.

      • Flying Squid
        143 hours ago

        Usernames and unusual phrases.

        Don’t make up weird shit like “gag a maggot” and use them both on your Facebook page and your porn account, dumbass.

        • @[email protected]
          239 minutes ago

          I think the phrases are interesting but pretty unnecessary. He just gave out a bunch of personal information about his life and the posts were way before anyone would have cared to do a hit job on him.

        • @[email protected]
          2 hours ago

          Much of that slang is just old and none is made up by him. The consistency of application is something that should be noted though.

          I know “gag a maggot” is at least +30 years old from when I was a kid. It could be older. I also grew up in NC, so the slang could have even been regional.

          • Flying Squid
            42 hours ago

            He’s only 56. We’re not talking about someone from Grampaw’s good old days here.

            • @[email protected]
              2 hours ago

              I am in my 40’s, so it’s around the same era. All I am saying is that I have heard all of that slang before and it isn’t made up. (I even occasionally use “gag a maggot”, actually.)

              • Flying Squid
                12 hours ago

                Maybe it’s a Southern thing. It all sounds old-timey to me.

                  • Flying Squid
                    22 hours ago

                    Well all I can tell you is that I’m 47, from Indiana, and I spend a lot of time listening to music from the 1930s and 1940s and I don’t say stuff like that.

          • @barsquid
            22 hours ago

            Yeah, that alone isn’t strong proof. But it is certainly corroborating alongside using the same usernames and other stuff.

        • @kaitco
          73 hours ago

          Why are people commenting on porn sites?? Is there some major discussion going on?

          • @[email protected]
            337 minutes ago

            This should be disqualifying even if you don’t care about all the racism and sexism. Anyone who thinks commenting on a porn forum is a normal and good thing to do, especially talking about your personal life, is far too weird to be given power.

    • LustyArgonianMana
      3 hours ago

      I used to be freakishly good at finding my irl friends’ Reddit accounts. People tend to talk about things the same way they write. So if I had a friend who loved the Anaheim Ducks because of a specific defensive player, then it’s easy to search r/hockey for “Ducks” and then look at people’s opinions in the thread to find them. If phones are listening in, they could absolutely pick up on common phrases and opinions and find each of us. It’s genuinely not difficult.