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“The decision to end the cooperation agreement was taken in December 2023 when CERN’s Council passed a resolution “to terminate the International Cooperation Agreement between CERN and the Russian Federation, together with all related protocols and addenda, with effect from 30 November 2024; To terminate … all other agreements and experiment memoranda of understanding allowing the participation of the Russian Federation and its national institutes in the CERN scientific programme, with effect from 30 November 2024; AFFIRMS That these measures concern the relationship between CERN and Russian and Belarusian institutes and do not affect the relationship with scientists of Russian nationality affiliated with other institutes.” The cooperation agreement with Belarus will come to an end on 27 June, before the Russian one ends.”

  • TheTechnician27
    5 months ago

    As well they should. Russia and Belarus should never be allowed to normalize this, and that should include ostracization in literally every aspect of their existence. You want to launch genocidal, imperialist invasions, run sham elections for a fascist oligarch, repress your citizens, blatantly kill political rivals day in and day out including outside of your own territory, sell arms to Myanmar’s military, buddy up with North Korea and the Syrian government, send mercenaries to Africa to make things even worse there, cause ecological disasters in service of your illegal invasions, outlaw the expression of sexual and gender minorities, threaten war so flippantly that all of your western neighbors feel the need to join a defensive pact, interfere heavily in foreign elections to put fascists into power, and otherwise be one of the biggest, most backward shitholes on the planet? Then we’ll treat you as such.

    • monk
      25 months ago

      Ostracize countries, welcome geople who flee them. Instead, you only piss off people who flee them and trade with countries.