Three Mile Island was the worst nuclear accident in US history. Was mainly caused by poor design of human feedback systems which caused operational confusion and lead to a catastrophic failure.

  • andyburke
    -36 hours ago

    Show me the line items for long term handling of the waste, please. I am curious how much they allocated.

      • andyburke
        -26 hours ago

        You don’t have to convince me, if you think it’s such a great power source with such low costs you should pitch some investors.

        I would think you would be the one trying to understand why nuclear plants aren’t being built if their costs are lower and benefits are higher. 🤷‍♂️

        • Aatube
          33 hours ago

          We understand already. The reason is that people are scared by "omg nukes!'. It’s the stigma, not unlike that against LGBTQ+ parlors, immigrants, anarchism, and putting dishes in the dishwasher without rinsing them first.