• @givesomefucks
    377 hours ago

    Khan’s charges against Netanyahu and Gallant include “starvation of civilians”, “extermination”, and “intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population”.

    The US president, Joe Biden, has denounced Khan’s bid for arrest warrants for the Israeli officials as “outrageous”, saying: “There is no equivalence – none – between Israel and Hamas.”

    1. Why can’t Biden keep Bibi’s dick out of his mouth for five goddamn minutes?

    2. No one is talking about equivalence, we’re talking about holding people accountable for war crimes.

    • @9point6
      115 hours ago

      Fuck me, does he want to get pulled up in front of the Hague too?

    • @Pilferjinx
      03 hours ago

      When was the last time a war crime was prosecuted and judgements enforced? The UN and ICC is a joke and it boils my blood knowing these assholes won’t face any meaningful consequences.