• @anticolonialist
    4 hours ago

    I know election math is as confusing as toilet paper math, but try and follow along. A vote for candidate A goes to candidate A. A vote for candidate B goes to candidate B, and so forth. A vote for candidate B does not go to candidate C or A Still with me, or was that too confusing?

    Now, when votes are tallied, every ballot cast for candidate A stays in the candidate A bucket. Same with candidate B, C, and so forth.

    If candidate B has shit in their bucket and is demanding everyone still place their ballot with them, they can’t be surprised when no one wants to go near the shit bucket. if it’s unclear, Democrats are bucket B

    • @[email protected]
      2 hours ago

      I get it. Tankies 4 Trump 2024.

      Fortunately your view is extremely unpopular, but unfortunately we need every vote we can get against Trump. Sorry you can’t understand basic logic and will thus be supporting Trump and you will have nothing to show for it whatsoever unless he wins and that’s what you want. Which wouldn’t be surprising to anyone reading your comments.