My hands tend to shake, possibly from excessive masturbation. I recently watched a video where a guy was caught using an electronic male masturbator by a woman and the scene went to a happy ending. Anyways, it got me thinking — if I switch to using a device like that, could it help reduce my hands from shaking? What’s your opinion on electronic toys? Do you think they’re a good alternative?

  • @expatriado
    156 months ago

    the shaky hand was a classic myth passed among old catholics to discourage masturbation

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      -56 months ago

      Which makes no sense. Everybody should masturbate. The girls who try to hold a pill between their knees are the most likely to need a morning after pill from wearing their knees as earings.

      • FaceDeer
        26 months ago

        Ignoring the weird pill-related part, the rest of your comment is actually sound. There are genuine medical benefits to be had, at least for males. I don’t know if there’s equivalents for women, but I recall reading a study that found that regular ejaculation significantly reduces the chances of prostate cancer later in life.

        Everybody should be free to feel comfortable with their own bodies, IMO. Society’s concerns should only matter when it comes to interactions with others.