“These attacks violate the human right to life, absent any indication that the victims posed an imminent lethal threat to anyone else at the time.”

  • @spirinolas
    13 hours ago

    That won’t happen because he’d have to recognize both actors as human beings. You’re missing the basic premise of Zionism. Zionism comes from the assumption that Palestinians are not human beings so they are never supposed to fight back, just take any abuse and be happy with it and die when they’re told to. Like farm animals. If a cow is being branded and kills her handler she will be caught and put down. Nobody is going to justify what she did even though she just defended herself.

    This is how Zionists view Palestinians. Making arguments about humanity with them is moot because they don’t recognize Palestinians as such. Like Nazism, you can’t solve this problem until this hateful ideology is rooted out from the core.