Biologically male procedures only. EDIT: If the two people who downvoted this question could explain their reasoning, I would be super interested. No judgements. This is a safe space!

  • @bassomitron
    197 hours ago

    Checking for prostate cancer is super easy now and doesn’t even require a finger in your bum. It’s a simple blood test that is far more accurate than the traditional manual method. I get one done every time I have a physical since they just add it on to the other stuff they check my blood for.

    • Sam, The Man
      266 hours ago

      -doesn’t even require a finger in your bum

      Then what the heck am I paying these deductibles for?? >:(

      • Cadeillac
        22 hours ago

        Swear to god I’d rather take a finger in the ass than a needle in my arm