• @[email protected]
    46 months ago

    Looks like some kind of intrusion of magma (the pale rock) into the darker rock. you can see how all the veins seem to originate from the pale rock, also the broken-of dark part in the pale rock seems to indicate it, could be part of the original rock, that surrounded the magma, before breaking of.

    Some actual geologist might want to give their opinion though. I only had like two years of geology at university before shifting my studies toward crystallography and crystal growth.

    • @weariedfae
      15 months ago

      Am geologist. You got it.

      2 years should have gotten you through petro and geomorph so you’re just as qualified as a lot of grads. Nobody ever remembers anything from structure.

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        Yeah. I got the theory, but I have almost no practical experience. In total something like 4 weeks of field trips. But nice to see that I still get the basics.