Modern AI data centers consume enormous amounts of power, and it looks like they will get even more power-hungry in the coming years as companies like Google, Microsoft, Meta, and OpenAI strive towards artificial general intelligence (AGI). Oracle has already outlined plans to use nuclear power plants for its 1-gigawatt datacenters. It looks like Microsoft plans to do the same as it just inked a deal to restart a nuclear power plant to feed its data centers, reports Bloomberg.

  • @Doomsider
    43 hours ago

    Pretty sure it has to do with how the plant is designed and operated as opposed to what economic or governmental system it happens to exist under.

    • Optional
      13 hours ago

      Doesn’t that design and operation get created by the economic or governmental system it’s under?

      • @Doomsider
        3 hours ago

        I think with the USSR at least, that their reactor designs were supposed to be less safe than western reactor designs.

        Was it because they were a shitty oligarchy claiming to be communist? Maybe, they did make a lot of garbage decisions.

        I think the US has the record for most nuclear disasters by a lot but two of the worst were in the USSR.