The research team, led by NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) scientists in South Gloucestershire and supported by the University of Bristol, found a blood group called MAL.

They identified the genetic background of the previously known AnWj blood group antigen, which was discovered in 1972 but unknown until now after this world-first test was developed.

  • DrWorm
    123 hours ago

    So… I’m a dumbass. What’s the benefit of the antigens or lack thereof? Are there types of diseases that are more prevalent with or without these things?

    The article didn’t really go into any details as to how or why this will result in saving lives. Just that they can test for it.

    • @QuarterSwede
      192 hours ago

      Give someone blood with antigens when they don’t have antigens and things go badly. Now they can test for non-antigen blood and ensure they give the correct blood and save their life.

    • @[email protected]
      62 hours ago

      I’m not sure about this antigen in particular but from the ab0 group 0 (lack of a and b) protects to a certain degree from malaria.

      • xain52
        224 minutes ago

        When i was doing my rotation at a lab i found out about the bombay blood type. Its not a traditioanal blood type. If you gave someone with bombay blood o blood even they would have a reaction.

    • @lath
      32 hours ago

      Hey there. From one dumbass to another, i believe antigens help protect against mutation of the genetic code.