I’m still working my way through New Vegas. I assembled the crew tonight in Dead Money. I have found the ghost people pretty easy to deal with. I think I may be over leveled for it and stat dumping into guns definitely helped. The hologram guards freaked me out a little despite knowing how to beat them. After rescuing Christine I dragged God all the way back here and made him pose for a group photo.

  • Cadeillac
    118 hours ago

    Has he been calling Dog God this whole time? I knew something was off lmao

    • Electric_Druid
      29 hours ago

      Split personality character, listed as “Dog/God” in the wiki. Dog is the half that is subservient and dumb, God is the half that is cold and calculating. The character’s questline has you helping one or the other take over fully, or helping reconcile them into a single personality. Pretty interesting one!

      • Cadeillac
        19 hours ago

        I completely forgot. I just remember Dog. Funny