“Federal Election Commission records show Stein paid $100,000 in July to a consulting outfit that has worked with Republican campaigns, as well as Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent presidential bid. The firm, Accelevate, is operated by Trent Pool. The Intercept reported that he appeared to be part of the mob that breached the grounds of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6., 2021. The Journal hasn’t independently verified the reporting.”

  • LustyArgonianMana
    12 hours ago

    Yeah, have you seen one of the most famous cases about companies killing people and not having ypur best interests at heart? Erin Brokovich to this day does this work.

    Or if you don’t like that point - there’s literally dozens of other examples of corporate shittery.

    I’m going to guess you’re a massive sexist based on the comment you made though.

    • @TheFonz
      01 hour ago

      What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Smoking.

      Erin Brokovich is a great movie and her story is amazing. It’s a testament to the perseverance of an amazing person and the awful corruption in industry and lobbying.

      What is asinine is bringing it up in a discussion such as this as if it’s some great testament or insight into the current state of affairs. Same goes for triangle factory fire. Are you under the impression we all woke up yesterday and you’re here to give us a community college social studies 101? What the actual fuck. And to call people sexist for pointing out the idiocy in this kindergarten level analysis is just the cherry on top. Fucking kill me already.

      • LustyArgonianMana
        21 hour ago

        It’s a testament to … the awful corruption in industry and lobbying.

        Okay, cool. So you DO understand why I brought her up in a list about corporations and how they harm the public. She’s a great classic example. Glad you admitted many of my examples were classics that would be mentioned in academia because they are notable.

        What analysis am I making that is “kindergarten level?” I thought you just said it was college level? Social studies 101, no?

        I’ve existed online for a long time. I used to be afraid to openly be a woman. I know how people treat me when they think I’m a woman versus a man. Yes, you and that other person come across as blatantly sexist. Any time I get unwarranted vitriol, it’s pretty obvious because I used to not get it when I was pretending to be a man. I can see how people (including mods on this sub) respond to the men I’m arguing with, give them sooooo much leeway to call me names and argue, but if I fight back and don’t act like a submissive woman, they try to punish me to get back in line. Hence why all misogynists are fascists.

        Like here. The original commenter asked: “What are Dems shills for?”

        I answered - corporations.

        Then they wanted to know, essentially, if being a shill for a corporation was as bad as being a shill for a foreign hostile nation (Russia). Ergo, I bring up many notable cases where corporations have harmed people. More Americans have died to corporations than to Russia.

        This is just true. So what’s so offensive about it you have to malign me?

        • @TheFonz
          129 minutes ago

          The reason I pushed back has absolutely nothing to do wit your sex. Nothing you said pointed to anyone being able to determine your sex. So I don’t know how to be sexist to someone who’s sex I haven’t determined. You think it’s because Erin Brokovich is a woman??? Is that what you took out of my comment?

          Jesus. Just end me already

          • LustyArgonianMana
            16 minutes ago

            My profile. My avatar. My username. All grill.

            reason I pushed back

            Why did you push back? What was the point of ypur criticism? As I’ve stated, it was one of several examples that supported my position. That it’s a classic example doesn’t refute it. So what’s so upsetting to you that you have to be hostile?

            Saying stuff like “End me,” and “Jesus,” and “you’re juvenile,” isn’t a position. So ironic how much projection people do - you complain about argumentation and then proceed to comment with 2 terrible arguments that lack any refutations or substance. So yeah, I will assume that the random hostility for no reason is because you have something going on with yourself. It’s clearly not about what I actually said. Good luck with that.