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One poster, appears feminine in PFP “what’s that milf cereal. With the strawberries”

Posted 11:34 AM 7/30/21 Twitter for iPhone.

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A reply with someone appearing feminine in their PFP is a picture of Kellog’s Speciak K cereal with red berries. Accompanying text is just “?”

  • @[email protected]
    376 months ago

    Just always check nutrition info, some of these that are presented as healthy are really not that great. In general, cereals are pure carbs pretty much so should limit the quantity to what you need in carbs, but they can also have a lot of fiber and be fairly efficient in terms of satiety to calorie ratio, I recently switched back to a small bowl in the morning for breakfast.

    • @kautau
      126 months ago

      It’s generally become my opinion that unless I’m eating unsweetened muesli with a splash of milk pretty much every cereal except unsweetened cheerios is bad for me

      • @[email protected]
        16 months ago

        Muesli is great but imho the ratio of satiety to calorie is way better with the cereals and a splash of milk, I get something that feels like a “meal” for like 250cal, would be much more for a bowl of muesli that doesn’t feel like I’m starving myself.

        I use a nutty muesli to top quark yoghurt, that’s a great snack/dessert I get 25g protein from the quark and the muesli I just put 15/25g on top which already almost doubles the calories but does make the whole thing much nicer, it’s a daily staple for me.

        Yes, I’m pretty far in the deep end of calorie control right now _

    • @[email protected]
      56 months ago

      I make Special K bars for get-togethers every once in awhile, and I sometimes get people who ask me if they’re healthy. I always tell them that nothing in them is even the slightest bit healthy except the Special K itself, and even that’s debatable.

      • @kautau
        166 months ago

        I mean, it depends on how pure your ketamine is

      • @[email protected]
        16 months ago

        Thats hilarious you made bars called that without realizing the double speak. I wonder if anyone was dissapointed after eating one.