• @A_Random_Idiot
    2 hours ago

    You can drown your post in as much honey sweetened words as you want.

    You are still, ultimately, arguing for the destruction of our institutions by trying to give the people you agree with special privilege to do wrong that you agree with.

    It is not the postal carriers job to censor or filter the mail. It is their job to deliver it.

    Flip the story around.

    Its now a right wing mailman refusing to deliver stuff that he doesn’t like.

    My argument would be the same, That they would need to be punished severely to protect the institution of the US Postal Service, in order to prevent other bad actors from doing more of the same and destroying it from the inside.

    I highly doubt you’d mount such stalwart and furious defense of a right wing mail carrier, as you are right now.

    You are as much a cancer and threat to our institutions as all the other bad actors.