From Jerry Chinn

My cell phone rang. It was my wife, Tori. "Come downstairs quietly with your camera’ she said. She was in her backyard garden, and as approached, she motioned to come over to the fence. Pointing low down to the tree just on the other side of the fence was this owl… probably the same one photographed on the ground the other day. So, there was a great horned owl in a tree, no more than 25 feet away. Amazingly, he just continued to look at us as I fired off several shots. Only when I moved around to try to get a different angled shot did he fly off.

Below are the photos mentioned from the other day.

  • SendPicsofSandwiches
    75 months ago

    What a good owl! This is like the definitive owl, and is exactly the image I have in my head when someone mentions an owl in general

    • anon6789OP
      55 months ago

      It is the quintessential North American owl! Beautiful looking, with a wonderfully powerful hoot.