(It was previously an Epic exclusive since launching in early access).

I’m excited to check this out.

  • @very_well_lost
    234 months ago

    Epic vs Steam isn’t much of a turf war as far as the fans are concerned. Everyone universally hates the Epic Games Store and loves Steam. The only reason EGS has so many timed exclusive is because Epic pays out the nose for them.

    • @Breadhax0r
      84 months ago

      I don’t know if I’m opposed to store exclusives exactly, but epic was paying out the nose to drive people to their store that didn’t even have a shopping cart.

      They launched a store without a feature every online store has had for decades

    • @PunchingWood
      74 months ago

      People have Epic for only one of two reasons, either they play Fortnite, or they collect a library of free games they’ll never play lol

      I know a bunch of people who have amassed a whole library of games and never play on Epic regardless.