Most likely SUPER not a priority. But you know me 😅

The “go” button updates the entire page. As the options are generated this means they are re-generated, which means the chosen option resets, and you can only ever test the top option: Painted Anime.

Simple fix though: put a div with an id around the generations, then update that div only. That’s all that needs updating anyway.

  • VioneTM
    15 months ago

    Possibly missing ending quotations?

    Before the "negative", you didn’t close the quotation then you used a dot instead of a comma in transitioning to the negative

    "Style Name":{
      "prompt": "...",
      "negative": "..."
    • @RedWolfEchoes
      15 months ago

      Yup, again you are right sir! Thank you very much seriously appreciate it! 🙏😊