Original article headline made it sound like he definitely said he wouldn’t vote for Robinson. Tried to clarify the title a bit on my post

He more so kept doging the question of who he’d vote for and saying how he votes “wasn’t important” & that he would not be campaigning with Robinson

  • @dohpaz42
    111 day ago

    I mean, I’m no fan of Tillis, but for him not toeing the party line is saying something.

    • Blackbeard
      1 day ago

      Don’t give that crooked fuck undue credit. He didn’t suddenly grow a moral compass:

      “What I am going to be doing is supporting legislative candidates, supporting judicial candidates and supporting Trump,” Tillis continued. “I won’t be campaigning for Robinson, and how I vote is less relevant than what I am focused on. Trump needing to win, our legislatures needing to be strong, making it clear that North Carolina got turned around in 2011 because Republicans took control, and we need to maintain control of North Carolina once more.”

      • @dohpaz42
        31 day ago

        Oh don’t get me wrong, I give him zero credit. I’m just saying that it’s interesting when even he doesn’t endorse a fellow R.